My new photo story is online! Every year I escape from carnival and go on a journey, this time I went to the Lofoten in Norway. I wanted to visit this archipelago once in the wintertime. I was there for 8 days and rented a Rorbuer on the east coast.
From this base station I went or drove almost daily on tour. A rental car is mandatory on the Lofoten. There were altogether 2 days where the weather conditions were so bad that it was simply away too dangerous to leave the house. As I was already in October 2016 once on the Lofoten Islands, I knew exactly which locations I wanted to visit again on this winter tour. Roughly speaking, I always moved/stayed southwest of a line Henningsvaer - Gimsoya.
I wish you much joy with the pictures!
Until the end of March there will also be a detailed travel report on my Youtube channel, you will have to be a little patient!
Your HolgerOlivier